CHAracterisation MEthodology Ontology

Last uploaded: October 27, 2023
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A perspective characterized by the belief that some mereological parts of a whole (holistic parts) are intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole and vice versa. An holistic perspective considers each part of the whole as equally important, without the need to position the parts within a hierarchy (in time or space). The interest is on the whole object and on its parts (how they contribute to the whole, i.e. their roles), without going further into specifying the spatial hierarchy or the temporal position of each part. This class allows the picking of parts without necessarily going trough a rigid hierarchy of spatial compositions (e.g. body -> organ -> cell -> molecule) or temporal composition. This is inline with the transitive nature of parthood, as it is usually defined in literature. The holistic perspective is not excluding the reductionistic perspective, on the contrary it can be considered its complement. A product is a role that can be fulfilled by many objects, but always requires a process to which the product participates and from which it is generated. The union of classes whole and part. A molecule of a body can have role in the body evolution, without caring if its part of a specific organ and without specifying the time interval in which this role occurred.



A perspective characterized by the belief that some mereological parts of a whole (holistic parts) are intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole and vice versa.

An holistic perspective considers each part of the whole as equally important, without the need to position the parts within a hierarchy (in time or space). The interest is on the whole object and on its parts (how they contribute to the whole, i.e. their roles), without going further into specifying the spatial hierarchy or the temporal position of each part. This class allows the picking of parts without necessarily going trough a rigid hierarchy of spatial compositions (e.g. body -> organ -> cell -> molecule) or temporal composition. This is inline with the transitive nature of parthood, as it is usually defined in literature. The holistic perspective is not excluding the reductionistic perspective, on the contrary it can be considered its complement.

A product is a role that can be fulfilled by many objects, but always requires a process to which the product participates and from which it is generated.

The union of classes whole and part.

A molecule of a body can have role in the body evolution, without caring if its part of a specific organ and without specifying the time interval in which this role occurred.




An holistic perspective considers each part of the whole as equally important, without the need to position the parts within a hierarchy (in time or space). The interest is on the whole object and on its parts (how they contribute to the whole, i.e. their roles), without going further into specifying the spatial hierarchy or the temporal position of each part. This class allows the picking of parts without necessarily going trough a rigid hierarchy of spatial compositions (e.g. body -> organ -> cell -> molecule) or temporal composition. This is inline with the transitive nature of parthood, as it is usually defined in literature. The holistic perspective is not excluding the reductionistic perspective, on the contrary it can be considered its complement.


The union of classes whole and part.


A perspective characterized by the belief that some mereological parts of a whole (holistic parts) are intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole and vice versa.


A product is a role that can be fulfilled by many objects, but always requires a process to which the product participates and from which it is generated.

A molecule of a body can have role in the body evolution, without caring if its part of a specific organ and without specifying the time interval in which this role occurred.







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