Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology

Last uploaded: February 11, 2023
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The meta-semiotic process: I see a cloud in the sky. Since I'm an EMMO ontologist, I create an individual named Cloud under the 'Perceptual' class, meaning that I recognize the cloud as an object thanks to a specific perceptual channel (e.g. through my eyes). This semiotic process occurs at meta-level: it's how I use the EMMO as tool for a direct representation of the world, understandable by others ontologists. The semiotic process within EMMO: My friend looks at the same cloud and says: "It is an elephant". I use the EMMO to record this experience by declaring: - my friend as MyFriend individual, belonging to 'Interpreter' classes - the sound of the word "elephant" as an acoustical perception individual named ElephantWord, belonging to 'Perceptual' - a relation hasSign between Cloud and ElephantWord, that makes ElephantWord also belonging to 'Sign' class and Cloud belonging also to 'Object' class - a 'Semiosis' individual called MyFriendElephantCloud that hasParticipant: Cloud, ElephantWord and MyFriend, respectively as object, sign and interpreter. So, the Perceptual class is here to categorized real-world objects at meta-level using common perceptual channels, for practical ontology usage. We could have represented the word "elephant" within a physicalistic approach, by identifying it as a pressure wave in the air. This class is the most general superclass for the categorization of real world objects that are recognizable by the ontologist through a specific perception mechanism. This perspective is based on human characterization of perceptions. In other words, a 'Perceptual' is a meta-object, meaning that is addressed by the ontologist (the meta-interpreter) in a semiotic process occurring outside the EMMO. The 'Perceptual' branch is here to facilitate the connection between an individual and the real-world object for which it stands for. A 'Perceptual' can stand for another object in an EMMO described semiotic process (acting as sign or as object), just like a word on a paper (the perceptual object) may refer semiotically to another object. However, a perceptual is not necessarily a 'Sign' (e.g. a line sketched on a blackboard is a recognizable 'Perceptual' but it may stand for nothing). A 'Perceptual' becomes an 'Object', when it is part of a 'Semiotic' process described by the ontologist within the EMMO, and it's done always specifying for which interpreter this relation occurs. A line scratched on a surface. A sound. A smell. The word 'cat' and the sound of the word 'cat' (the first one is graphical and the second acoustical). The class of 'Physical' individuals which stand for real world objects that can stimulate a perception (e.g. a retina impression) into the ontologist and that are categorized accordingly to human perception mechanisms.




The meta-semiotic process: I see a cloud in the sky. Since I'm an EMMO ontologist, I create an individual named Cloud under the 'Perceptual' class, meaning that I recognize the cloud as an object thanks to a specific perceptual channel (e.g. through my eyes). This semiotic process occurs at meta-level: it's how I use the EMMO as tool for a direct representation of the world, understandable by others ontologists. The semiotic process within EMMO: My friend looks at the same cloud and says: "It is an elephant". I use the EMMO to record this experience by declaring: - my friend as MyFriend individual, belonging to 'Interpreter' classes - the sound of the word "elephant" as an acoustical perception individual named ElephantWord, belonging to 'Perceptual' - a relation hasSign between Cloud and ElephantWord, that makes ElephantWord also belonging to 'Sign' class and Cloud belonging also to 'Object' class - a 'Semiosis' individual called MyFriendElephantCloud that hasParticipant: Cloud, ElephantWord and MyFriend, respectively as object, sign and interpreter. So, the Perceptual class is here to categorized real-world objects at meta-level using common perceptual channels, for practical ontology usage. We could have represented the word "elephant" within a physicalistic approach, by identifying it as a pressure wave in the air.

This class is the most general superclass for the categorization of real world objects that are recognizable by the ontologist through a specific perception mechanism. This perspective is based on human characterization of perceptions. In other words, a 'Perceptual' is a meta-object, meaning that is addressed by the ontologist (the meta-interpreter) in a semiotic process occurring outside the EMMO. The 'Perceptual' branch is here to facilitate the connection between an individual and the real-world object for which it stands for. A 'Perceptual' can stand for another object in an EMMO described semiotic process (acting as sign or as object), just like a word on a paper (the perceptual object) may refer semiotically to another object. However, a perceptual is not necessarily a 'Sign' (e.g. a line sketched on a blackboard is a recognizable 'Perceptual' but it may stand for nothing). A 'Perceptual' becomes an 'Object', when it is part of a 'Semiotic' process described by the ontologist within the EMMO, and it's done always specifying for which interpreter this relation occurs.

A line scratched on a surface. A sound. A smell. The word 'cat' and the sound of the word 'cat' (the first one is graphical and the second acoustical).

The class of 'Physical' individuals which stand for real world objects that can stimulate a perception (e.g. a retina impression) into the ontologist and that are categorized accordingly to human perception mechanisms.


The class of 'Physical' individuals which stand for real world objects that can stimulate a perception (e.g. a retina impression) into the ontologist and that are categorized accordingly to human perception mechanisms.


The meta-semiotic process: I see a cloud in the sky. Since I'm an EMMO ontologist, I create an individual named Cloud under the 'Perceptual' class, meaning that I recognize the cloud as an object thanks to a specific perceptual channel (e.g. through my eyes). This semiotic process occurs at meta-level: it's how I use the EMMO as tool for a direct representation of the world, understandable by others ontologists. The semiotic process within EMMO: My friend looks at the same cloud and says: "It is an elephant". I use the EMMO to record this experience by declaring: - my friend as MyFriend individual, belonging to 'Interpreter' classes - the sound of the word "elephant" as an acoustical perception individual named ElephantWord, belonging to 'Perceptual' - a relation hasSign between Cloud and ElephantWord, that makes ElephantWord also belonging to 'Sign' class and Cloud belonging also to 'Object' class - a 'Semiosis' individual called MyFriendElephantCloud that hasParticipant: Cloud, ElephantWord and MyFriend, respectively as object, sign and interpreter. So, the Perceptual class is here to categorized real-world objects at meta-level using common perceptual channels, for practical ontology usage. We could have represented the word "elephant" within a physicalistic approach, by identifying it as a pressure wave in the air.

A line scratched on a surface. A sound. A smell. The word 'cat' and the sound of the word 'cat' (the first one is graphical and the second acoustical).











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http://emmo.info/emmo#EMMO_649bf97b_4397_4005_90d9_219755d92e34 https://data.industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/CHAMEO LOOM Inter-portal
http://emmo.info/emmo#EMMO_649bf97b_4397_4005_90d9_219755d92e34 https://data.industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/CHAMEO SAME_URI Inter-portal
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http://emmo.info/emmo#EMMO_649bf97b_4397_4005_90d9_219755d92e34 https://data.industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/CHAMEO SAME_URI Inter-portal
http://emmo.info/emmo#EMMO_649bf97b_4397_4005_90d9_219755d92e34 https://data.industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/CHAMEO LOOM Inter-portal
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