
Last uploaded: December 1, 2021
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A uniform collection of tangible objects or Lot. This can either be a collection of produced items (i.e. the outflow of products) or a collection of raw material or required material (i.e. the inflow of products). It is assumed that the objects in a batch are similar and thus have shared attributes. Note that this definition is broader than the definition in IEC 61512, which defines a batch as the material that is being produced (whereas in SAREF4INMA a batch can be items or materials).




A uniform collection of tangible objects or Lot. This can either be a collection of produced items (i.e. the outflow of products) or a collection of raw material or required material (i.e. the inflow of products). It is assumed that the objects in a batch are similar and thus have shared attributes. Note that this definition is broader than the definition in IEC 61512, which defines a batch as the material that is being produced (whereas in SAREF4INMA a batch can be items or materials).


A uniform collection of tangible objects or Lot. This can either be a collection of produced items (i.e. the outflow of products) or a collection of raw material or required material (i.e. the inflow of products). It is assumed that the objects in a batch are similar and thus have shared attributes. Note that this definition is broader than the definition in IEC 61512, which defines a batch as the material that is being produced (whereas in SAREF4INMA a batch can be items or materials).




A uniform collection of tangible objects or Lot. This can either be a collection of produced items (i.e. the outflow of products) or a collection of raw material or required material (i.e. the inflow of products). It is assumed that the objects in a batch are similar and thus have shared attributes. Note that this definition is broader than the definition in IEC 61512, which defines a batch as the material that is being produced (whereas in SAREF4INMA a batch can be items or materials).

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https://saref.etsi.org/saref4inma/Batch https://data.industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/SAREF4INMA LOOM Inter-portal
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