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Computer Science, systems and electrical engineering
Material Science and Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Physics and Chemistry
Thermal and Process Engineering
Basic Formal Ontology (BFO)
BIMERR Annotation Objects (BIMERRAO)
BIMERR Building Ontology (BIMERRB)
BIMERR Information Objects (BIMERRIO)
BIMERR Key Performance Indicator (BIMERRKPI)
BIMERR Material Properties (BIMERRMP)
BIMERR Occupancy Profile (BIMERROP)
BIMERR Renovation Process (BIMERRRP)
BIMERR Sensor Data Ontology (BIMERRSD)
Brick A uniform metadata schema for buildings (BRICK)
Brinell test ontology (BTO)
Building Assessment Ontology (BAO)
Building Circularity Assessment Ontology (BCAO)
Building Element Ontology (BEO)
Building Product Ontology (BPO)
Building Topology Ontology (BOT)
CHAracterisation MEthodology Ontology (CHAMEO)
COINS Building Information System (COINS)
Common Core Ontologies (CCO)
Context Ontology (CONT-ONT)
Core Activity Ontology (CAO)
Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT)
Digital Buildings Ontology (DBO)
Digital Construction Agents (DCAGENTS)
Digital Construction Contexts (DCC)
Digital Construction Energy (DCENERGY)
Digital Construction Entities (DCENTITIES)
Digital Construction Information (DCINFORMATION)
Digital Construction Lifecycle (DCLIFECYCLE)
Digital Construction Materials (DCMATERIALS)
Digital Construction Occupancy (DCOCCUPANCY)
Digital Construction Processes (DCPROCESSES)
Digital Construction Variables (DCVARIABLES)
Discrete Event Modeling Ontology (DEMO)
Distribution Element Ontology (MEP)
DNS Security Ontology (DSECO)
Domain Mechanical Testing (EMMO-MECH-TEST)
EEPSA (Energy Efficiency Prediction Semantic Assistant) Ontology (EEPSA)
Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology (EMMO)
European Legislation Identifier (ELI)
Fatigue test ontology (FTO)
File Ontology for Geometry formats (FOG)
Furniture Sector Ontology (FUNSTEP)
Generic Idea and Innovation Management Ontology (GI2MO)
GRACE ontology (GRACE)
Industrial MAintenance Management Ontology (IMAMO)
Industry 4.0 Knowledge Graph (I40KG)
Industry Foundation Classes to OWL (IFCOWL)
information artifact ontology (IAO)
IOF Annotation Vocabulary (IOF-AV)
IOF Maintenance Working Group Reference Ontology (IOF-MAINTENANCE)
IOF Production Planning and Scheduling Ontology (IOF-PPS)
IOF Supply Chain Reference Ontology (IOF-SCRO)
IT Service Management Ontology (ITSMO)
Legal Knowledge Interchange Format ontology (LKIF-CORE)
Maintenance Activity Ontology (MNT-ACT)
Maintenance Motion State Sequence Ontology (MMSSO)
Manufacturing Service Description Language (MSDL)
MAnufacturing’s Semantics ONtology (MASON)
Materials Data Science Ontology (MDS)
Materials Design Ontology (MDO)
Mechanical testing ontology (MTO)
NORIA-O: an Ontology for Anomaly Detection and Incident Management in ICT Systems (NORIA-O)
Ontology for building permit authorities (OBPA)
Ontology for Car Damage (OCD)
Ontology for Financial Fraud Detection (ONTOFIC)
Ontology for Maintenance Procedure Documentation - Conditional Maintenance Task Ontology (OMPD-CMTO)
Ontology for Maintenance Procedure Documentation - Static Procedure Ontology (OMPD-SPO)
Ontology for Managing Geometry (OMG)
Ontology for Property Management (OPM)
Ontology for Thermal Methods (OTM)
Ontology pattern for Systems, Connections, and Connection Points (SAREF4SYST)
OpenADR ontology (OPENADR)
Organization ontology (ORGO)
Platform Material Digital Core Ontology (PMDCO)
Power Grid Ontology (GRID2ONTO)
Power Grid Ontology curated (GRID2ONTOCURATED)
Product Ontology (PRONTO)
Product Service System (PSS)
QUDT CATALOG - Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Data Types Ontologie (QUDT)
REACT Ontology (REACT)
RealEstateCore (REC)
Reference Generalized Ontological model (RGOM)
Reference Ontology for industrial Maintenance (ROMAIN)
Resistance Spot Welding Ontology (RSWO)
SAREF-extension for the industry and manufacturing domain (SAREF4INMA)
SAREF4BLDG: extension for the Building domain (SAREF4BLDG)
SAREF4CITY: extension for the Smart Cities domain (SAREF4CITY)
SAREF4ENER: extension for the Energy domain (SAREF4ENER)
SAREF4ENVI: extension for the Environment domain (SAREF4ENVI)
Scheduling Reference Ontology (SRO)
Semantic Sensor Network Ontology (SSN)
Semantic Types Ontology (STY)
Semantically Integrated Planning Model (SIMPM)
Sensor, Observation, Sample, and Actuator (SOSA)
Sharework Ontology for Human-Robot Collaboration (SOHO)
Smart Appliances REFerence (SAREF)
Smart Energy Aware Systems (SEAS)
Software Requirements Specification Ontology (ReqSpecOnto) (REQSPECONTO)
sss (SSS)
Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR)
Supply Chain Process Ontology (SCOPRO)
Sustainability Core Ontology (SCO)
Tensile stress relaxation test ontology (TSRTO)
Tensile test ontology (TTO)
The Interconnected Data Dictionary Ontology (IDDO)
The Software Ontology (SWO)
Tribological Characterisation Ontology (TRIBONT)
Universal Standard Products and Services Classification (UNSPSC)
VERsioning ONTOlogy (VERONTO)
Vickers test ontology (VTO)
Virtual Asset Representation Ontology (VAR)
Volkswagen Vehicles Ontology (VVO)
Z-bre4k (Z-BRE4K)
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OBO Foundry (OBO Foundry)
Computer Science, systems and electrical engineering
Material Science and Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Physics and Chemistry
Thermal and Process Engineering
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Basic Formal Ontology (BFO)
BIMERR Annotation Objects (BIMERRAO)
BIMERR Building Ontology (BIMERRB)
BIMERR Information Objects (BIMERRIO)
BIMERR Key Performance Indicator (BIMERRKPI)
BIMERR Material Properties (BIMERRMP)
BIMERR Occupancy Profile (BIMERROP)
BIMERR Renovation Process (BIMERRRP)
BIMERR Sensor Data Ontology (BIMERRSD)
Brick A uniform metadata schema for buildings (BRICK)
Brinell test ontology (BTO)
Building Assessment Ontology (BAO)
Building Circularity Assessment Ontology (BCAO)
Building Element Ontology (BEO)
Building Product Ontology (BPO)
Building Topology Ontology (BOT)
CHAracterisation MEthodology Ontology (CHAMEO)
COINS Building Information System (COINS)
Common Core Ontologies (CCO)
Context Ontology (CONT-ONT)
Core Activity Ontology (CAO)
Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT)
Digital Buildings Ontology (DBO)
Digital Construction Agents (DCAGENTS)
Digital Construction Contexts (DCC)
Digital Construction Energy (DCENERGY)
Digital Construction Entities (DCENTITIES)
Digital Construction Information (DCINFORMATION)
Digital Construction Lifecycle (DCLIFECYCLE)
Digital Construction Materials (DCMATERIALS)
Digital Construction Occupancy (DCOCCUPANCY)
Digital Construction Processes (DCPROCESSES)
Digital Construction Variables (DCVARIABLES)
Discrete Event Modeling Ontology (DEMO)
Distribution Element Ontology (MEP)
DNS Security Ontology (DSECO)
Domain Mechanical Testing (EMMO-MECH-TEST)
EEPSA (Energy Efficiency Prediction Semantic Assistant) Ontology (EEPSA)
Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology (EMMO)
European Legislation Identifier (ELI)
Fatigue test ontology (FTO)
File Ontology for Geometry formats (FOG)
Furniture Sector Ontology (FUNSTEP)
Generic Idea and Innovation Management Ontology (GI2MO)
GRACE ontology (GRACE)
Industrial MAintenance Management Ontology (IMAMO)
Industry 4.0 Knowledge Graph (I40KG)
Industry Foundation Classes to OWL (IFCOWL)
information artifact ontology (IAO)
IOF Annotation Vocabulary (IOF-AV)
IOF Maintenance Working Group Reference Ontology (IOF-MAINTENANCE)
IOF Production Planning and Scheduling Ontology (IOF-PPS)
IOF Supply Chain Reference Ontology (IOF-SCRO)
IT Service Management Ontology (ITSMO)
Legal Knowledge Interchange Format ontology (LKIF-CORE)
Maintenance Activity Ontology (MNT-ACT)
Maintenance Motion State Sequence Ontology (MMSSO)
Manufacturing Service Description Language (MSDL)
MAnufacturing’s Semantics ONtology (MASON)
Materials Data Science Ontology (MDS)
Materials Design Ontology (MDO)
Mechanical testing ontology (MTO)
NORIA-O: an Ontology for Anomaly Detection and Incident Management in ICT Systems (NORIA-O)
Ontology for building permit authorities (OBPA)
Ontology for Car Damage (OCD)
Ontology for Financial Fraud Detection (ONTOFIC)
Ontology for Maintenance Procedure Documentation - Conditional Maintenance Task Ontology (OMPD-CMTO)
Ontology for Maintenance Procedure Documentation - Static Procedure Ontology (OMPD-SPO)
Ontology for Managing Geometry (OMG)
Ontology for Property Management (OPM)
Ontology for Thermal Methods (OTM)
Ontology pattern for Systems, Connections, and Connection Points (SAREF4SYST)
OpenADR ontology (OPENADR)
Organization ontology (ORGO)
Platform Material Digital Core Ontology (PMDCO)
Power Grid Ontology (GRID2ONTO)
Power Grid Ontology curated (GRID2ONTOCURATED)
Product Ontology (PRONTO)
Product Service System (PSS)
QUDT CATALOG - Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Data Types Ontologie (QUDT)
REACT Ontology (REACT)
RealEstateCore (REC)
Reference Generalized Ontological model (RGOM)
Reference Ontology for industrial Maintenance (ROMAIN)
Resistance Spot Welding Ontology (RSWO)
SAREF-extension for the industry and manufacturing domain (SAREF4INMA)
SAREF4BLDG: extension for the Building domain (SAREF4BLDG)
SAREF4CITY: extension for the Smart Cities domain (SAREF4CITY)
SAREF4ENER: extension for the Energy domain (SAREF4ENER)
SAREF4ENVI: extension for the Environment domain (SAREF4ENVI)
Scheduling Reference Ontology (SRO)
Semantic Sensor Network Ontology (SSN)
Semantic Types Ontology (STY)
Semantically Integrated Planning Model (SIMPM)
Sensor, Observation, Sample, and Actuator (SOSA)
Sharework Ontology for Human-Robot Collaboration (SOHO)
Smart Appliances REFerence (SAREF)
Smart Energy Aware Systems (SEAS)
Software Requirements Specification Ontology (ReqSpecOnto) (REQSPECONTO)
sss (SSS)
Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR)
Supply Chain Process Ontology (SCOPRO)
Sustainability Core Ontology (SCO)
Tensile stress relaxation test ontology (TSRTO)
Tensile test ontology (TTO)
The Interconnected Data Dictionary Ontology (IDDO)
The Software Ontology (SWO)
Tribological Characterisation Ontology (TRIBONT)
Universal Standard Products and Services Classification (UNSPSC)
VERsioning ONTOlogy (VERONTO)
Vickers test ontology (VTO)
Virtual Asset Representation Ontology (VAR)
Volkswagen Vehicles Ontology (VVO)
Z-bre4k (Z-BRE4K)