Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology

Last uploaded: February 11, 2023
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Molecular entity is used as a general term for singular entities, irrespective of their nature, while chemical species stands for sets or ensembles of molecular entities. Note that the name of a compound may refer to the respective molecular entity or to the chemical species, Methane, may mean a single molecule of CH4 (molecular entity) or a molar amount, specified or not (chemical species), participating in a reaction. The degree of precision necessary to describe a molecular entity depends on the context. Hydrogen molecule is an adequate definition of a certain molecular entity for some purposes, whereas for others it is necessary to distinguish the electronic state and/or vibrational state and/or nuclear spin, etc. of the hydrogen molecule. Any constitutionally or isotopically distinct atom, molecule, ion, ion pair, radical, radical ion, complex, conformer etc., identifiable as a separately distinguishable entity.




Molecular entity is used as a general term for singular entities, irrespective of their nature, while chemical species stands for sets or ensembles of molecular entities. Note that the name of a compound may refer to the respective molecular entity or to the chemical species,

Methane, may mean a single molecule of CH4 (molecular entity) or a molar amount, specified or not (chemical species), participating in a reaction. The degree of precision necessary to describe a molecular entity depends on the context.

Hydrogen molecule is an adequate definition of a certain molecular entity for some purposes, whereas for others it is necessary to distinguish the electronic state and/or vibrational state and/or nuclear spin, etc. of the hydrogen molecule.

Any constitutionally or isotopically distinct atom, molecule, ion, ion pair, radical, radical ion, complex, conformer etc., identifiable as a separately distinguishable entity.




Any constitutionally or isotopically distinct atom, molecule, ion, ion pair, radical, radical ion, complex, conformer etc., identifiable as a separately distinguishable entity.


Methane, may mean a single molecule of CH4 (molecular entity) or a molar amount, specified or not (chemical species), participating in a reaction. The degree of precision necessary to describe a molecular entity depends on the context.

Hydrogen molecule is an adequate definition of a certain molecular entity for some purposes, whereas for others it is necessary to distinguish the electronic state and/or vibrational state and/or nuclear spin, etc. of the hydrogen molecule.











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http://emmo.info/emmo#EMMO_21205421_5783_4d3e_81e5_10c5d894a88a https://data.industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/CHAMEO LOOM Inter-portal
http://emmo.info/emmo#EMMO_21205421_5783_4d3e_81e5_10c5d894a88a https://data.industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/CHAMEO SAME_URI Inter-portal
http://emmo.info/emmo#EMMO_21205421_5783_4d3e_81e5_10c5d894a88a https://data.industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/CHAMEO LOOM Inter-portal
http://emmo.info/emmo#EMMO_21205421_5783_4d3e_81e5_10c5d894a88a https://data.industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/CHAMEO SAME_URI Inter-portal
http://emmo.info/emmo#EMMO_21205421_5783_4d3e_81e5_10c5d894a88a https://data.industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/CHAMEO LOOM Inter-portal
http://emmo.info/emmo#EMMO_21205421_5783_4d3e_81e5_10c5d894a88a https://data.industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/CHAMEO SAME_URI Inter-portal
http://emmo.info/emmo#EMMO_21205421_5783_4d3e_81e5_10c5d894a88a https://data.industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/CHAMEO LOOM Inter-portal
http://emmo.info/emmo#EMMO_21205421_5783_4d3e_81e5_10c5d894a88a https://data.industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/CHAMEO SAME_URI Inter-portal
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