Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology

Last uploaded: February 11, 2023
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The class of all the OWL individuals declared by EMMO as standing for world entities. The disjoint union of the Item and Collection classes. The EMMO conceptualises the world using the primitive concepts of causality and parthood. Parthood is about the composition of world entities starting from other more fundamental entities. Causality is about the interactions between world entities. The quantum is the smallest indivisible part of any world entity. Quantum individuals are the fundamental causal constituents of the universe, since it is implied that causality originates from quantum-to-quantum interactions. Quantums are no-dimensional, and their aggregation makes spacetime emerge from their causal structure. Causality between macro entities (i.e. entities made of more than one quantum) is explained as the sum of the causality relations between their quantum constituents. The fundamental distinction between world entities is direct causality self-connectedness: a world entity can be self-connected xor not self-connected depending on the causality network of its fundamental components. Void regions do not exist in the EMMO, or in other words there is no spacetime without entities, since space and time are measured quantities following a causality relation between entities (spacetime emerges as relational property not as a self-standing entity). Entities are not placed in space or time: space and time are always relative between entities and are measured. In other words, space and time relations originates from causality interactions. EMMO entities dimensionality is related to their mereocausal structures. From the no-dimensional quantum entity, we introduce time dimension with the elementary concept, and the spacetime with the causal system concept. The EMMO conceptualisation does not allow the existence of space without a temporal dimension, the latter coming from a causal relation between entities. For this reason, the EMMO entities that are not quantum or elementaries, may be considered to be always spatiotemporal. The EMMO poses no constraints to the number of spatial dimensions for a causal system (except being higher than one).




The class of all the OWL individuals declared by EMMO as standing for world entities.

The disjoint union of the Item and Collection classes.

The EMMO conceptualises the world using the primitive concepts of causality and parthood. Parthood is about the composition of world entities starting from other more fundamental entities. Causality is about the interactions between world entities. The quantum is the smallest indivisible part of any world entity. Quantum individuals are the fundamental causal constituents of the universe, since it is implied that causality originates from quantum-to-quantum interactions. Quantums are no-dimensional, and their aggregation makes spacetime emerge from their causal structure. Causality between macro entities (i.e. entities made of more than one quantum) is explained as the sum of the causality relations between their quantum constituents. The fundamental distinction between world entities is direct causality self-connectedness: a world entity can be self-connected xor not self-connected depending on the causality network of its fundamental components. Void regions do not exist in the EMMO, or in other words there is no spacetime without entities, since space and time are measured quantities following a causality relation between entities (spacetime emerges as relational property not as a self-standing entity). Entities are not placed in space or time: space and time are always relative between entities and are measured. In other words, space and time relations originates from causality interactions.

EMMO entities dimensionality is related to their mereocausal structures. From the no-dimensional quantum entity, we introduce time dimension with the elementary concept, and the spacetime with the causal system concept. The EMMO conceptualisation does not allow the existence of space without a temporal dimension, the latter coming from a causal relation between entities. For this reason, the EMMO entities that are not quantum or elementaries, may be considered to be always spatiotemporal. The EMMO poses no constraints to the number of spatial dimensions for a causal system (except being higher than one).


The EMMO conceptualises the world using the primitive concepts of causality and parthood. Parthood is about the composition of world entities starting from other more fundamental entities. Causality is about the interactions between world entities. The quantum is the smallest indivisible part of any world entity. Quantum individuals are the fundamental causal constituents of the universe, since it is implied that causality originates from quantum-to-quantum interactions. Quantums are no-dimensional, and their aggregation makes spacetime emerge from their causal structure. Causality between macro entities (i.e. entities made of more than one quantum) is explained as the sum of the causality relations between their quantum constituents. The fundamental distinction between world entities is direct causality self-connectedness: a world entity can be self-connected xor not self-connected depending on the causality network of its fundamental components. Void regions do not exist in the EMMO, or in other words there is no spacetime without entities, since space and time are measured quantities following a causality relation between entities (spacetime emerges as relational property not as a self-standing entity). Entities are not placed in space or time: space and time are always relative between entities and are measured. In other words, space and time relations originates from causality interactions.


The disjoint union of the Item and Collection classes.


The class of all the OWL individuals declared by EMMO as standing for world entities.


EMMO entities dimensionality is related to their mereocausal structures. From the no-dimensional quantum entity, we introduce time dimension with the elementary concept, and the spacetime with the causal system concept. The EMMO conceptualisation does not allow the existence of space without a temporal dimension, the latter coming from a causal relation between entities. For this reason, the EMMO entities that are not quantum or elementaries, may be considered to be always spatiotemporal. The EMMO poses no constraints to the number of spatial dimensions for a causal system (except being higher than one).











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http://emmo.info/emmo#EMMO_802d3e92_8770_4f98_a289_ccaaab7fdddf https://data.industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/CHAMEO LOOM Inter-portal
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http://emmo.info/emmo#EMMO_802d3e92_8770_4f98_a289_ccaaab7fdddf https://data.industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/CHAMEO LOOM Inter-portal
http://emmo.info/emmo#EMMO_802d3e92_8770_4f98_a289_ccaaab7fdddf https://data.industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/CHAMEO SAME_URI Inter-portal
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http://emmo.info/emmo#EMMO_802d3e92_8770_4f98_a289_ccaaab7fdddf https://data.industryportal.enit.fr/ontologies/CHAMEO SAME_URI Inter-portal
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