Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology

Last uploaded: February 11, 2023
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We call "decoding" the act of recognise the variation according to a particular rule and generate another equivalent schema (e.g. in the agent's cognitive apparatus, as another form of data). We call "interpreting" the act of providing semantic meaning to data, which is covered by the semiotic perspective. A Radio Morse Code transmission can be addressed by combination of perspectives. Physicalistic: the electromagnetic pulses can be defined as individual A (of type Field) and the strip of paper coming out a printer receiver can be defined as individual B (of type Matter). Data: both A and B are also DiscreteData class individuals. In particular they may belong to a MorseData class, subclass of DiscreteData. Perceptual: B is an individual belonging to the graphical entities expressing symbols. In particular is a formula under the MorseLanguage class, made of a combination of . and - symbols. Semiotics: A and B can be signs if they refers to something else (e.g. a report about a fact, names). A signal through a cable. A sound wave. Words on a page. The pattern of excited states within a computer RAM. Variations in data are generated by an agent (not necessarily human) and are intended to be decoded by the same or another agent using the same encoding rules. Data are always generated by an agent but not necessarily possess a semantic meaninig, either because it's lost or unknown or because simply they possess none (e.g. a random generation of symbols). A data object may be used as the physical basis for a sign, under Semiotics perspective. A causal object whose properties variation are encoded by an agent and that can be decoded by another agent according to a specific rule.




We call "decoding" the act of recognise the variation according to a particular rule and generate another equivalent schema (e.g. in the agent's cognitive apparatus, as another form of data). We call "interpreting" the act of providing semantic meaning to data, which is covered by the semiotic perspective.

A Radio Morse Code transmission can be addressed by combination of perspectives. Physicalistic: the electromagnetic pulses can be defined as individual A (of type Field) and the strip of paper coming out a printer receiver can be defined as individual B (of type Matter). Data: both A and B are also DiscreteData class individuals. In particular they may belong to a MorseData class, subclass of DiscreteData. Perceptual: B is an individual belonging to the graphical entities expressing symbols. In particular is a formula under the MorseLanguage class, made of a combination of . and - symbols. Semiotics: A and B can be signs if they refers to something else (e.g. a report about a fact, names).

A signal through a cable. A sound wave. Words on a page. The pattern of excited states within a computer RAM.

Variations in data are generated by an agent (not necessarily human) and are intended to be decoded by the same or another agent using the same encoding rules. Data are always generated by an agent but not necessarily possess a semantic meaninig, either because it's lost or unknown or because simply they possess none (e.g. a random generation of symbols). A data object may be used as the physical basis for a sign, under Semiotics perspective.

A causal object whose properties variation are encoded by an agent and that can be decoded by another agent according to a specific rule.




A causal object whose properties variation are encoded by an agent and that can be decoded by another agent according to a specific rule.


A Radio Morse Code transmission can be addressed by combination of perspectives. Physicalistic: the electromagnetic pulses can be defined as individual A (of type Field) and the strip of paper coming out a printer receiver can be defined as individual B (of type Matter). Data: both A and B are also DiscreteData class individuals. In particular they may belong to a MorseData class, subclass of DiscreteData. Perceptual: B is an individual belonging to the graphical entities expressing symbols. In particular is a formula under the MorseLanguage class, made of a combination of . and - symbols. Semiotics: A and B can be signs if they refers to something else (e.g. a report about a fact, names).

A signal through a cable. A sound wave. Words on a page. The pattern of excited states within a computer RAM.


We call "decoding" the act of recognise the variation according to a particular rule and generate another equivalent schema (e.g. in the agent's cognitive apparatus, as another form of data). We call "interpreting" the act of providing semantic meaning to data, which is covered by the semiotic perspective.














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